Hari ni aku tak gi kerja.
Aku keluar rumah seperti biasa pukul 7:50 pagi. Perjalanan aku ke tempat kerja akan melalui Kepong, Selayang, Batu Caves, Sri Gombak, Taman Melati, Wangsa Melawati, Wangsa Maju dan Setiawangsa.
Tapi bila baru aje lepas Kepong, dari jauh aku nampak deretan kereta yang tak bergerak tak jauh di hadapan aku. Aku dah tak boleh mengelak dari menempuh kesesakan kereta. Terpaksalah join sekali.
Kemudian aku call Hafiz. Dia ni datang kerja dari Rawang, jadi akan melalui Selayang & Batu Caves jugak. Dia kata hari ni dia tak lalu Selayang & Batu Caves sebab jalan tutup sempena Thaipusam. AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aku dah tak boleh ke mana-mana lagi. Dalam pukul 9 aku call Anija, sekretari boss aku, & beritau aku cuti hari. Kalau aku teruskan perjalanan ke ofis, silap-silap pukul 11 pun tak sampai lagi. Lagipun aku dah bengang giler sebab tak pasal-pasal aku sangkut dalam kegilaan traffic jam.
Seluar Dah Jadi Ketat
Setelah 3 minggu masuk ke tahun 2010, berat badan aku dah naik 2 kg jadi 77 kg. Itu bahagian seronok. Yang tak seronoknya bila seluar aku hampir semua dah jadi ketat. Bila solat, aku ada masalah sikit duduk tahiyyat akhir. Tapi rasanya aku belum gemuk lagi sebab ramai kata aku kurus. Yang kata aku gemuk cuma anak pompuan aku je yang bernama Hani tu.
Aku ambik keputusan untuk tak makan nasi pada waktu malam. Dah dua malam aku dinner makan telor je. Memang la kurang menyelerakan tapi terpaksa. Perut mintak nasi, otak kata telor. Harap2 kempis la sikit perut aku tanpa menjejaskan otot2 yang aku dah bina sejak dua setengah tahun. Semoga seluar2 aku dah kurang ketat minggu depan ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...........
Aku ambik keputusan untuk tak makan nasi pada waktu malam. Dah dua malam aku dinner makan telor je. Memang la kurang menyelerakan tapi terpaksa. Perut mintak nasi, otak kata telor. Harap2 kempis la sikit perut aku tanpa menjejaskan otot2 yang aku dah bina sejak dua setengah tahun. Semoga seluar2 aku dah kurang ketat minggu depan ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...........
Orang Melayu kalau sehari tak dapat makan nasi umpama macam orang India sehari tak makan kari. Begitulah pentingnya nasi kepada orang Melayu, dah beratus tahun jadi makanan ruji.
Tapi sebab makan nasi la orang Melayu bersaiz kecil berbanding dengan orang Eropah. Nasi yang kita makan adalah punca utama tenaga badan dan lebihan tenaga akan disimpan sebagai lemak didalam badan. Orang Eropah lebih banyak makan daging dari makanan berasaskan kabohidrat, protein dari daging akan membentuk otot2 didalam badan. Jadi, jumlah otot orang Melayu kurang dari orang Eropah, bermakna orang Melayu lebih kecil dari orang Eropah.
Mengikut kajian, jumlah minima keperluan kalori harian bagi setiap orang adalah berat badan dalam kg didarab dengan 24 (jumlah jam sehari). Bagi seseorang yang mempunyai berat badan 75kg, keperluan minima kalori sehari adalah 75 x 24 = 1,800 kalori. Ini adalah jumlah kalori untuk meneruskan kehidupan. Bagi mereka yang melibatkan diri didalam aktiviti2 yang lebih lasak atau berat, perlulah tambah lagi 500 kalori atau mengikut keperluan masing2.
Berbalik kepada nasi, secawan nasi yang sudah dimasak mempunyai lebih kurang 200 kalori. Selalunya kita makan sekurang-kurangnya 2 cawan nasi, maknanya sekali makan nasi kosong je dah 400 kalori. Kalau makan nasi pagi, tengah hari dan malam, jumlah kalori untuk nasi sahaja dah 1,200. Belum lagi diambil kira mi, koay teow, air manis, lauk berlemak, ikan, daging, ayam, kuih, 'junk food' dan sebagainya yang kita makan secara sampingan. Kalau kita tidak ambil endah jumlah pengambilan kalori, memang tiap2 hari kita ambil kalori berlebihan.
Kalori berlebihan akan disimpan sebagai lemak di bahagian perut bagi lelaki dan perut & punggung bagi orang perempuan. Kalau bahagian2 ini dah penuh, lemak akan pergi ke bahagian badan yang lain.
Untuk menghindari keadaan ini, seelok-eloknya jumlah pengambilan kabohidrat adalah 50% - 55% dari jumlah pengambilan kalori sehari.
Tapi sebab makan nasi la orang Melayu bersaiz kecil berbanding dengan orang Eropah. Nasi yang kita makan adalah punca utama tenaga badan dan lebihan tenaga akan disimpan sebagai lemak didalam badan. Orang Eropah lebih banyak makan daging dari makanan berasaskan kabohidrat, protein dari daging akan membentuk otot2 didalam badan. Jadi, jumlah otot orang Melayu kurang dari orang Eropah, bermakna orang Melayu lebih kecil dari orang Eropah.
Mengikut kajian, jumlah minima keperluan kalori harian bagi setiap orang adalah berat badan dalam kg didarab dengan 24 (jumlah jam sehari). Bagi seseorang yang mempunyai berat badan 75kg, keperluan minima kalori sehari adalah 75 x 24 = 1,800 kalori. Ini adalah jumlah kalori untuk meneruskan kehidupan. Bagi mereka yang melibatkan diri didalam aktiviti2 yang lebih lasak atau berat, perlulah tambah lagi 500 kalori atau mengikut keperluan masing2.
Berbalik kepada nasi, secawan nasi yang sudah dimasak mempunyai lebih kurang 200 kalori. Selalunya kita makan sekurang-kurangnya 2 cawan nasi, maknanya sekali makan nasi kosong je dah 400 kalori. Kalau makan nasi pagi, tengah hari dan malam, jumlah kalori untuk nasi sahaja dah 1,200. Belum lagi diambil kira mi, koay teow, air manis, lauk berlemak, ikan, daging, ayam, kuih, 'junk food' dan sebagainya yang kita makan secara sampingan. Kalau kita tidak ambil endah jumlah pengambilan kalori, memang tiap2 hari kita ambil kalori berlebihan.
Kalori berlebihan akan disimpan sebagai lemak di bahagian perut bagi lelaki dan perut & punggung bagi orang perempuan. Kalau bahagian2 ini dah penuh, lemak akan pergi ke bahagian badan yang lain.
Untuk menghindari keadaan ini, seelok-eloknya jumlah pengambilan kabohidrat adalah 50% - 55% dari jumlah pengambilan kalori sehari.
Increase Metabolism
By Wellness
We often blame our "slow metabolism" for our inability to keep our weight under control. But what is metabolism, exactly? And is there anything we can do to boost our metabolic rate?
Metabolism basically refers to all the chemical processes that take place in the body in order to sustain life-allowing you to breathe, pump blood, keep your brain functioning and extract energy from your food. When you hear the term metabolic rate-more accurately called basal (or resting) metabolic rate-that refers to the number of calories your body at rest uses each day, just to keep all your vital organs functioning. You burn additional calories through your daily activities and formal exercise, but by far, the majority of the calories that you burn each day are your basal calories.
The number of calories that you burn every day is directly related to your body composition. Think of your body as divided into two compartments. In one compartment is all the body fat; in the other compartment is everything that isn't fat (e.g., bone, fluid, tissue, muscle)-that's the fat-free compartment. The size of your fat-free compartment determines your metabolic rate, with every pound of fat-free mass burning about 14 calories per day.
If you weigh 150 pounds and 50 pounds of you is fat and 100 pounds is fat-free, then you would burn about 1,400 calories per day at rest. If you don't get much activity, you won't burn much more than this throughout the day. But if you weigh 150 pounds and 25 pounds of you is fat, and 125 pounds of you is fat free, then you burn 1,750 calories per day at rest. And if you get some regular exercise and burn a few hundred calories more per day, your total calorie burn for the day might be 2,000 calories! Since the fat-free compartment contains muscle tissue, one of the best things you can do to boost your metabolic rate is to strength-train to increase your muscle mass. If you build up 10 pounds of lean body mass, that's another 140 extra calories that you burn per day-not to mention the calories that you burn through exercise.
Keep your metabolism revved with these tips:
• Engage in 30 minutes of activity every day to help minimize weight gain and to boost metabolic rate
• Tone your muscles by weight training three days a week
• Start small-try walking with one- to two-pound weights
• Do not eat fewer than 1,200 calories a day. Eating too little may slow your metabolism
• Never skip breakfast. It may slow down your metabolism.
• Have a supply of protein-powered healthy snacks on hand as an alternative to carb-loaded junk food
Your muscle mass works like a furnace, burning calories and stored fat for energy. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism, the faster you burn calories. Eating plenty of protein daily is essential to maintaining your muscle mass for good health, energy and effective weight management.
We often blame our "slow metabolism" for our inability to keep our weight under control. But what is metabolism, exactly? And is there anything we can do to boost our metabolic rate?
Metabolism basically refers to all the chemical processes that take place in the body in order to sustain life-allowing you to breathe, pump blood, keep your brain functioning and extract energy from your food. When you hear the term metabolic rate-more accurately called basal (or resting) metabolic rate-that refers to the number of calories your body at rest uses each day, just to keep all your vital organs functioning. You burn additional calories through your daily activities and formal exercise, but by far, the majority of the calories that you burn each day are your basal calories.
The number of calories that you burn every day is directly related to your body composition. Think of your body as divided into two compartments. In one compartment is all the body fat; in the other compartment is everything that isn't fat (e.g., bone, fluid, tissue, muscle)-that's the fat-free compartment. The size of your fat-free compartment determines your metabolic rate, with every pound of fat-free mass burning about 14 calories per day.
If you weigh 150 pounds and 50 pounds of you is fat and 100 pounds is fat-free, then you would burn about 1,400 calories per day at rest. If you don't get much activity, you won't burn much more than this throughout the day. But if you weigh 150 pounds and 25 pounds of you is fat, and 125 pounds of you is fat free, then you burn 1,750 calories per day at rest. And if you get some regular exercise and burn a few hundred calories more per day, your total calorie burn for the day might be 2,000 calories! Since the fat-free compartment contains muscle tissue, one of the best things you can do to boost your metabolic rate is to strength-train to increase your muscle mass. If you build up 10 pounds of lean body mass, that's another 140 extra calories that you burn per day-not to mention the calories that you burn through exercise.
Keep your metabolism revved with these tips:
• Engage in 30 minutes of activity every day to help minimize weight gain and to boost metabolic rate
• Tone your muscles by weight training three days a week
• Start small-try walking with one- to two-pound weights
• Do not eat fewer than 1,200 calories a day. Eating too little may slow your metabolism
• Never skip breakfast. It may slow down your metabolism.
• Have a supply of protein-powered healthy snacks on hand as an alternative to carb-loaded junk food
Your muscle mass works like a furnace, burning calories and stored fat for energy. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism, the faster you burn calories. Eating plenty of protein daily is essential to maintaining your muscle mass for good health, energy and effective weight management.
Year 2010
This new year 2010 has been good so far for my children.
My eldest son, Rais, is in his second semester at International Islamic College. He got through his first semester without any problem.
My daughter, Hani, is waiting for her SPM result. Now she is lepak2 at home as well as getting her driver's licence. Baru dapat lesen Lembu hahahahaha.
My third child, Yazid, is continuing his form 4 at MRSM Muadzam Shah, not going to other MRSM. Whichever MRSM he goes is not a problem for me.
My youngest, Muis, is in standard 6 and he is the school head boy. He is also the chairperson for various committees in school. Tapi kat rumah ..... huh ...... tak boleh cakap kat sini.
As for me, berat badan dah naik 2 kg sejak awal 2010. Dah 77kg, target 85kg.
As for my wife, menguruskan rumah & anak2 seperti biasa & masih maintain.
Hamster dari 2 dah jadi 8.
Hopefully, this year will be a better year than last year in everything.
My eldest son, Rais, is in his second semester at International Islamic College. He got through his first semester without any problem.
My daughter, Hani, is waiting for her SPM result. Now she is lepak2 at home as well as getting her driver's licence. Baru dapat lesen Lembu hahahahaha.
My third child, Yazid, is continuing his form 4 at MRSM Muadzam Shah, not going to other MRSM. Whichever MRSM he goes is not a problem for me.
My youngest, Muis, is in standard 6 and he is the school head boy. He is also the chairperson for various committees in school. Tapi kat rumah ..... huh ...... tak boleh cakap kat sini.
As for me, berat badan dah naik 2 kg sejak awal 2010. Dah 77kg, target 85kg.
As for my wife, menguruskan rumah & anak2 seperti biasa & masih maintain.
Hamster dari 2 dah jadi 8.
Hopefully, this year will be a better year than last year in everything.
The Difference
The difference between the poor countries and the rich ones is not the age of the country.
This can be shown by countries like India & Egypt , that are more than 2000 years old, but are poor.
On the other hand, Canada , Australia & New Zealand , that 150 years ago were inexpressive, today are developed countries, and are rich.
The difference between poor & rich countries does not reside in the available natural resources.
Japan has a limited territory, 80% mountainous, inadequate for agriculture & cattle raising, but it is the second world economy. The country is like an immense floating factory, importing raw materials from the whole world and exporting manufactured products.
Another example is Switzerland, which does not plant cocoa but has the best chocolate in the world. In its little territory they raise animals and plant the soil during 4 months per year. Not enough, they produce dairy products of the best quality! It is a small country that transmits an image of security, order & labor, which made it the world's strongest, safest place.
Executives from rich countries who communicate with their counterparts in poor countries show that there is no significant intellectual difference.
Race or skin color are also not important: immigrants labeled lazy in their countries of origin are the productive power in rich European countries.
What is the difference then? The difference is the attitude of the people, framed along the years by the education & the culture & flawed tradition.
On analyzing the behavior of the people in rich & developed countries, we find that the great majority follow the following principles in their lives:
1. Ethics, as a basic principle.
2. Integrity.
3. Responsibility.
4. Respect to the laws & rules.
5. Respect to the rights of other citizens.
6. Work loving.
7. Strive for savings & investment.
8. Will of super action.
9. Punctuality.
10. and of course...Discipline
In poor countries, only a minority follow these basic principles in their daily life.
This can be shown by countries like India & Egypt , that are more than 2000 years old, but are poor.
On the other hand, Canada , Australia & New Zealand , that 150 years ago were inexpressive, today are developed countries, and are rich.
The difference between poor & rich countries does not reside in the available natural resources.
Japan has a limited territory, 80% mountainous, inadequate for agriculture & cattle raising, but it is the second world economy. The country is like an immense floating factory, importing raw materials from the whole world and exporting manufactured products.
Another example is Switzerland, which does not plant cocoa but has the best chocolate in the world. In its little territory they raise animals and plant the soil during 4 months per year. Not enough, they produce dairy products of the best quality! It is a small country that transmits an image of security, order & labor, which made it the world's strongest, safest place.
Executives from rich countries who communicate with their counterparts in poor countries show that there is no significant intellectual difference.
Race or skin color are also not important: immigrants labeled lazy in their countries of origin are the productive power in rich European countries.
What is the difference then? The difference is the attitude of the people, framed along the years by the education & the culture & flawed tradition.
On analyzing the behavior of the people in rich & developed countries, we find that the great majority follow the following principles in their lives:
1. Ethics, as a basic principle.
2. Integrity.
3. Responsibility.
4. Respect to the laws & rules.
5. Respect to the rights of other citizens.
6. Work loving.
7. Strive for savings & investment.
8. Will of super action.
9. Punctuality.
10. and of course...Discipline
In poor countries, only a minority follow these basic principles in their daily life.
Love Handles
Love handles, in colloquial or slang speech, are a layer of fat that is deposited around a person's midsection, especially visible on the sides over the abdominal external oblique muscle.
The term first appeared in the late 1960s, and is defined in the Historical Dictionary of American Slang as a bulge of fat at the side of the waist.
Both men and women tend to be image-conscious regarding love handles, sometimes leading to a negative body image. While many products are marketed for eliminating love handles, it is generally agreed that spot reduction is impossible, and that the best way to reduce them is to lose fat by being more active (through activities such as cardiovascular exercise and weight training) and consuming fewer calories.
In July 2007 The Washington Post published an article simply titled "Love Handles" which claimed that, while weight gain was once blamed on genes inherited from one's parents, a study had shown that people were 57% more likely to become obese if a friend did first.
Love handles are also colloquially called a spare tire due to the enlarged tire-like shape around the midsection. Other synonyms are midriff bulge, muffin top and belt overhang.
The term first appeared in the late 1960s, and is defined in the Historical Dictionary of American Slang as a bulge of fat at the side of the waist.
Both men and women tend to be image-conscious regarding love handles, sometimes leading to a negative body image. While many products are marketed for eliminating love handles, it is generally agreed that spot reduction is impossible, and that the best way to reduce them is to lose fat by being more active (through activities such as cardiovascular exercise and weight training) and consuming fewer calories.
In July 2007 The Washington Post published an article simply titled "Love Handles" which claimed that, while weight gain was once blamed on genes inherited from one's parents, a study had shown that people were 57% more likely to become obese if a friend did first.
Love handles are also colloquially called a spare tire due to the enlarged tire-like shape around the midsection. Other synonyms are midriff bulge, muffin top and belt overhang.
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